Bibliografia do modułu 3.    Światło, barwa i problemy renderowania

Bibliografia do Rozdziału 10.
  1. Hughes J.F., van Dam A., McGuire M., Sklar D.F., Foley J.D., Feiner S.K., Akeley K.: Computer Graphics, Principles and Practice, third ed., Addison-Wesley Publ. Co. 2013.
  2. Kamiński B.: Prepress i barwy, Translator 1997.
  3. Pastuszak W.: Barwa w grafice komputerowej, PWN 2000.
  4. Popek S.: Barwy i psychika, Wydawnictwo UMCS Lublin 2001.
  5. Reinhard E., Ward G., Pattanaik S., Debevec P.: High Dynamic Range Imaging, Morgan Kaufmann 2006.
  6. Marschner St., Shirley P. i inni: Fundamentals of Computer Graphics, fifth ed., Taylor and Francis (CRC Press), 2021.
  7. Zabrodzki J. (red.): Grafika Komputerowa, metody i narzędzia, WNT 1994.
  8. Thompson W., Fleming R., Creem-Regehr S., Stefanucci J.K.: Visual Perception from a Computer Graphics PerspectiveA K Peters/CRC Press 2011.
  9. Wade N., Swanston M.: Visual Perception: An Introduction. Psychology Press 2011.
Bibliografia do Rozdziału 11.
  1. Dorsey J., Rushmeier H.E., Sillion F.X.: Digital Modeling of Material Appearance, Morgan Kaufmann 2008
  2. Dutré Ph.: Global Illumination Compedium. The Concise Guide to Global Illumination Alhgorithms, September 2003,  ; (dostęp 10.08.2024).
  3. Hall R.: Illumination and Color in Computer Generated Imagery, Springer-Verlag, 1989.
  4. Measured BRDF data from Cornell University.  ; (dostęp 10.08.2024).
  5. Pharr M., Wenzel J., Humphreys G.: Physically Based Rendering, from Theory to Implementation. 4th ed., MIT Press 2023. (3rd ed. Morgan Kaufmann 2016).
  6. Marschner St., Shirley P. i inni: Fundamentals of Computer Graphics, fifth ed., Taylor and Francis (CRC Press) 2021.
  7. Watt A.: 3D Computer Graphics, Addison-Wesley Publ.Co.2000.
  8. Beckmann, P., Spizzichino, A.: The Scattering of Electromagnetic Waves from Rough Surfaces. Macmillan 1963. Reprint: Artech House 1987.
  9. Sawicki D.: Microfacet Distribution Function: To Change or Not to Change, That Is the Question, Proc. of the 16th International Joint Conference on Computer Vision, Imaging and Computer Graphics, Theory and Applications (VISIGRAPP 2021),   February 8 - 10, 2021, Vol. 1: GRAPP, pp.209-220.
Bibliografia do Rozdziału 12.
  1. Glassner A. (red.): An Introduction to Ray Tracing, Academic Press 1989.
  2. Dutré Ph., Bekaert Ph., Bala K.: Advanced Global Illumination. 4th ed., A K Peters/CRC Press 2018.
  3. Jensen H.W.: Realistic Image Synthesis Using Photon Mapping, A K Peters 2001.
  4. Wojdała A.: Metoda śledzenia promieni: obecny stan wiedzy, Machine Graphics & Vision IPI PAN vol. 1, Nos.1/2, 1992, ss.108-155.
  5. Devroye L.: Non-Uniform Random Variate Generation. (Springer-Verlag 1986), Author’s version 2003:  ; (dostęp 10.08.2024).
  6. Pharr M., Wenzel J., Humphreys G.: Physically Based Rendering, from Theory to Implementation. 4th ed., MIT Press 2023. (3rd ed. Morgan Kaufmann 2016).
  7. Marschner St., Shirley P. i inni: Fundamentals of Computer Graphics, fifth ed., Taylor and Francis (CRC Press) 2021.
  8.  ; (dostęp 10.08.2024).
  9.   ; (dostęp 10.08.2024).
  10. Lengyel E.: Foundations of Game Engine Development, Volume 2: RenderingTerathon Software LLC 2019.
  11. Veach E., Guibas L.J.: Metropolis Light Transport. SIGGRAPH’97 Proceedings, Los Angeles, August 1997, ss.65–76.
  12. Metropolis N., Rosenbluth A.W., Rosenbluth M.N., Teller A.H., Teller E.: Equations of State Calculations by Fast Computing Machines. The Journal of Chemical Physics, Vol. 21, June 1953, ss.1087– 1092.
  13. Pauly M., Kollig T., Keller A.: Metropolis Light Transport for Participating Media. In Peroche B. i Rushmeier H., editors, Rendering Techniques 2000 (Proceedings of the Eleventh Eurographics Workshop on Rendering), ss. 11–22, Springer.
  14. Ashikhmin M., Premoze S., Shirley P., Smits B.: A Variance Analysis of the Metropolis Light Transport Algorithm. Computers and Graphics, Vol. 25, No.2, 2001, ss. 287–294.
  15. Kelemen C., Szirmay-Kalos L., Antal G., Csonka F.:  A Simple and Robust Mutation Strategy for the Metropolis Light Transport Algorithm. Computer Graphics Forum, Vol. 21, No. 3:–10, 2002.
  16. Arvo J., Kirk D.: Particle Transport and Image Synthesis, Computer Graphics (SIGGRAPH’90 Proceedings), Vol.24, No 4, August 1990, ss.63-66.
Bibliografia do Rozdziału 13.
  1. Cohen M.F., Wallace J.R.: Radiosity and Realistic Image Synthesis, Academic press 1993.
  2. Dutré Ph., Bekaert Ph., Bala K.: Advanced Global Illumination. 4th ed., A K Peters/CRC Press 2018.
  3. Pharr M., Wenzel J., Humphreys G.: Physically Based Rendering, from Theory to Implementation. 4th ed., MIT Press 2023. (3rd ed. Morgan Kaufmann 2016).
  4. Sayeed R., Howard T.: State of the Art Non- Photorealistic Rendering (NPR) Techniques, EG UK Theory and Practice of Computer Graphics (2006), pp. 1-10.
  5. Gooch B., Gooch A.: Non-Photorealistic Rendering.  ‎ A K Peters/CRC Press 2001.
  6. Strothotte T., Schlechtweg S.: Non-Photorealistic Computer Graphics: Modeling, Rendering, and Animation (The Morgan Kaufmann Series in Computer Graphics). Morgan Kaufmann 2002.
  7. Luque R.R.: The Cel Shading Technique. Dissertation.   ; (dostęp 10.08.2024).
  8. Gooch A.A., Gooch B., Shirley P., Cohen E.: A non-photorealistic lighting model for automatic technical illustration. Proceedings of the 25th annual conference on Computer graphics and interactive techniques - SIGGRAPH '98. ACM. pp. 447–452.  doi:10.1145/280814.280950.
  9. Kumar M.P.P., Poornima B., Nagendraswamy H.S., Manjunath C.: A comprehensive survey on non-photorealistic rendering and benchmark developments for image abstraction and stylization. Iran Journal of Computer Science (Online), 2019-09, Vol.2 (3), p.131-165.

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